Friday, May 7, 2010

May 6, 2010 - Learning my pace

Last night I went out on a short run, just 3 miles, so that I could take some time to test my half pace and just mentally work on preparing myself for the race.

This was my first time doing this, and I did it for 2 reasons.  First, I am a bit paranoid about running 13.1 miles because flat out, I have not prepared myself.  I totally fell off the past few weeks and lost a lot of my training, I'm not looking back and getting annoyed about it - I totally know and understand why - I just look at it as if I need to temper down my expectations and prepare a little differently for the race.  Second, I screwed up in my last race, the Crystal City 5k.  I got to the start line and said, let's run mile 1 in and 8:30, and then what do I do?  I start weaving every which way and was at one point running about a 6:30-7 minute mile and then totally started to feel it at the end.  Last night I focused on just feeling comfortable, and seeing what I think I can do comfortably.

My goal for Sunday's half marathon is to run close to 9 minute miles for the first half - then based on how I feel try to pick it up a little bit for 6.5-9ish then put everything I have into the last 3-4 miles.  I want to run 2 negative splits in the segments I've broken up in my head.  Segment 1 is simple, miles 1-6.5 and 6.5-13.1, the second segment I want to negative split is 6.5-10 and 10-13.1.

Here's to hoping I do well...oh and to hoping I don't get in TOO MUCH trouble for making Erin get up early on her first Mother's Day!

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