Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lake Barcroft Long Run - March 7, 2010

Time: 1:28:57
Distance: 9.8
Pace: 9:04
Weather: Warm and Sunny
Time:1 :22 PM
Terrain: Rolling hills.

Today I took advantage of the GORGEOUS weather and went out on a long run.  I haven't run in a week because of a combination of doctors appointments and getting a cold.  I did the loop around Lake Barcroft, the lake around my house.  By going into the side streets I make the run over 9 miles and add quite a bit of elevation, though the elevation chart certainly does not do this route justice because trust me it's brutal.

The run started off really well with some small ups and downs for about the first 4 miles.  Right after mile 4 theirs a pretty big hill (note not seen in the elevation chart AT ALL) after that it subsides a bit and it's pretty flat until you get onto Sleep Hollow Road for a short spot.  When I got here their was another guy running on the opposite side of the road and I felt it necessary to make sure he knew I was faster, even though it totally wore me out going up the hill faster than I needed to.  I then headed back into the lake community where it got really hilly, to the point I feel like the hills were just taunting me.  I would see a downhill and actually start to dread it, because I knew that at the end of that I would need to eventually go back up.

After I got back on Columbia Pike I did my best to pick up the pace a bit and I turned down a side road to finish off my run in a sprint...or something that tried to appear that way because I was beat!

Today I also tried out cytomax for the first time, it was recommended to me as a better alternative than Gatorade.  It tasted better, not sure how much more it helped, I definitely did the route faster than last time so maybe I had a little more spring in my step.  I look forward to testing it out more when I get quality runs in and get back into better conditioning, then I'll really know if it's adding to my runs.

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